Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Peanut butter spoons and applesauce on the hardwoods...

Tonight, for dinner, my son ate peanut butter on a spoon and fruit snacks.  For dinner.  Hows that for nutrition?  The best part is I was wagering with him in the form of, "If you take a bite of peanut butter you can have another fruit snack.  Wait!  Don't forget a sip of milk!"

Do I get extra points if the peanut butter and fruit snacks were organic??  Slot me in for one point then, because, get this, the peanut butter was not.  But the fruit snacks sure were!  That's right folks, ORGANIC fruit snacks.  You know, the ones your dentist had pictures of in the waiting room ominously promising a future of cavities and root canals.  Yep, they come in organic.  You can find them in the grocery aisle number 4, labeled Spend more here so you can feel better about yourself.  At least that's where I find them.  And I will let you in on a little secret...those organic fruit snacks are normally saved for the "special preschool lunches".  If you are a mother of a child that goes to preschool, you can't even pretend not to know what I am talking about. 

If you are not a preschool parent, please let me explain...
Twice a week I pack a lunch box that has to be well planned, nutritionally balanced, color coded in adorable Tupperware with action heroes or the newest Disney characters plastered on the top...all beautifully nestled in a monogrammed lunch box.  ALL THIS because, in my deranged "motherly" mind, I think that the two women in the class of 12 two year olds have time to judge my lunch packing skills.  Come on, we all know that if I can't pack a matching lunch, then clearly I am a poor mother!?!

But back to the special fruit snacks.  You know that if he was eating organic fruit snacks in the comfort of our own home, I was desperate.  It was late, I was tired and the only form of exercise I had all day was playing Just Dance on the Wii...and my 2 year old is already gaining on me there.  If I had to shake my booty one more time to "California Girls" at the persistent, yet adorable, urging of my child, I may have just quit right then and there.

I often find myself wishing (only for a moment, I promise!) that I had my own camera crew.  There are so many great things in my life right now that I just wish I could capture, hold on to, and relive down the road.  There's also a lot of train wrecks....probably more of these.  And these train wrecks (example: applesauce exploding all over the ceiling fan, cabinets, child and dogs) are the things I REALLY want to relive.  And I want to laugh...over and over and over again at these moments.  Because its there that I see true perfection.  And here is where I plan on sharing my perfectly, imperfect life.

As a mother, wife, friend, and human I am not always perfect.  But I am always in pursuit of the next smile, and I am always me!  So, tomorrow, pick up something organic to eat in front of your coworkers, mom's group, group of strangers, whoever! and feel just a little more accomplished!


  1. Well you know we have snack on Thursday and I have been planning all week and weekend what I am going to bring... goldfish or grapes just isn't going to cut it. Glad we think so much alike.

    PS. I also am glad Im not the only mom who checks the folder before even getting out of the parking lot :)

    1. Yes! We are clearly equally neurotic. :) coffee date on Thursday is much needed!! :)

  2. Found myself laughing out loud to parts of this, honest, funny and touching at the same time. Cannot wait to read the next one
