Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What do I do??

I get asked this question a lot..."What do you do?"  And I am really never quite sure what the correct answer is, because, frankly, I do a lot of things.  There's a country song that also immediately comes to mind, as well...something about a gopher, chauffeur and company chair man; coffee maker, copy repair man..., but some of those things I am definitely not.  I steer clear off both the coffee machine and the printer.  I break things like coffee machines.  I'll just stick to drinking the sweet, sweet nectar it produces.

There are a lot of things I like that I don't get the opportunity to do nearly enough.  I like to get pedicures.  I like to read books.  I like to watch trashy reality TV and cooking shows.  I like playing outside with my son and the dogs.

Then there's the long list of things that I wish I didn't do.  And these are the things I spend the majority of the day tiptoeing around in order to avoid.  I try not to do the dishes.  I try not to fold the laundry.  I hate to pay the bills.  These are true statements, I have photographic evidence!  Because that something else that I like to do...I like to take pictures.  However, when you are carefully planning your camera angle to catch your son doing something adorable while also trying to avoid capturing the pile of dishes in the sink and the mountain of laundry on the kitchen table (cause who really uses a kitchen table anyways!?), then maybe there should be less picture taking.  And more laundry and dishes.

But, I know that when people are asking this question, they don't care about any of the above answers...they want to know what I DO.  What defines me?  How do we bring home the bacon!? 

Well, again the answer is still not that easy.  I am blessed with the ability to work from home, WITH my husband.  The with there is key.  The day that I work FOR my husband will also, more than likely, be the day you find angelically plump swine soaring over an icy cold Hades.  I also work outside of the house a few nights a week in the service industry.  Its a job that I love to hate.  It gets me out of the house a few nights a week.  And it, strangely enough, helps me keep my sanity.  But, is that really all I do? 

The reality is I finger paint...a lot.  I play with play dough more often than a grown woman should.  I read a lot of children's books and I eat hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for lunch a few times a week.  Glamorous, right?? :)  And I wouldn't trade it for all the Prada in the world.

I guess there's just not a clear cut answer to that question yet.  I think for now I will stick with an easy, "Anything and everything!"  I feel that's honest enough.  After all, aren't we all just trying to squeak by doing the best we can??

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