Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Reality of Motherhood. And Life.

There are a few things that I have come to realise as I have matured, gotten married, and began raising a tiny human.  The main one being that I am not at all who I envisioned I would be.  Sometimes I am proud of this, sometimes I am downright horrified.

See Proud: Coming up with awesome, fun and amazing learning based crafts and games that I, admittedly, enjoy just as much as Boogie.

See Horrified:  Cursing openly at a talking stuffed animal taunting me every 45 seconds from the bottom of the toy basket.  Multiple times. Then embarking on a search and destroy mission.

There are days that I feel guilty...like I am just not doing enough as a mother and wife.  There are days that I feel like Super Woman, where the house is clean (so is the child), laundry is folded, work is up to date, and dinner is ready in the oven.  These are generally the days that I have also showered...bonus!  These days are a rarity, because here are a few conclusions I have made about my life.

People either think I am a lot of fun, or that I am certifiably insane.  And I think the breakdown goes like this: tiny people up to, roughly, the age of six think I am totally awesome, and funny!  Over six...I'm a nut job, unless of course you are a parent as well.  Then you still may not think I am funny, but you may get me just a little bit more.  For example, I dance down the aisles of the grocery store...especially the freezer section that lights up bit by bit as you walk (or twirl) by.  Boogie thinks this is great and openly joins in.  The 80 year old man in his motorized buggie, not so amused.  Myself, I am picturing Soul Train.  The reality is that I probably look ridiculous, but I just don't care. It's too much fun.  Who ever invented these "energy saving" aisle lights, thank you. You're awesome.

Some days I don't get out of my pajamas. Sometimes I don't get out of the same sweats for two days.  But, I almost always get my child dressed.  Not sure how my brain works out the logic in this one...

As cute as I may think my child is, not everyone agrees.  I try to flash back to the P.C. (pre child) days of date nights as we are out to eat and Boogie is waving over the booth at a young couple, clearly on a first date.  Cute the first time, maybe even the second....after that, enough is enough. Last thing I need to do is jump start that young girl into a premature conversation about children as mine is slowly, but surely, ruining the chances of any "funny business" for the boy that evening (due to the fact that he is running for the hills).

Money is tight.  Always.  Some people go on fancy vacations.  Some people eat out four nights a week.  Some people get weekly massages.  We had a wedding, bought a house, upgraded to two family friendly cars and had a kid...all in less than two years.  And I am happy with that choice.  I chose the fast track to motherhood. Does it mean we never vacation?  Does it mean that we never pick up take out?  No.  It just means that I am pumped about planning a vacation...to Disney World, and I would (and may need to) sell my left kidney to go.

I will lose my cell phone or keys at least once a day. Sometimes both. Even when I don't leave the house.  I should really keep a list of the places I find them to give me clues for the next day.  Its like a scavenger hunt, except I never start looking until I am already late, which takes all the fun out of it.  Winners so far: the fridge (or freezer), in my shoe rack, in the toilet (thanks, Boogie), on the back porch (this one took hours...I still don't recall even stepping foot out there that day), in Boogie's sock drawer...I could continue...  Boogie's even on on the fun now, but he's got some learning to do.  First place he still looks is the key hook...and what sane person leaves their keys safely on a key hook?!?

Mostly, I have learned that there is no recipe for life.  Parenting is not an exact science. I feel like its actually more similar to living through a storm, a tornado some days.  Some days you're in the eye and its all blue skies and rainbows.  Some days it feels like the world is just spinning around you.  For me it's about pooling resources, asking for help when you need it, and making it through the next 12 hours.  Oh, it never hurts to add wine...lots and lots of wine...

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